right now, i added thrust to my boat; i’m just unaware as to how i can cap the speed of my boat.
the max speed i want is from the vehicleseat’s maxSpeed property. ty!
function boat:HandleThrust()
local rs = game:GetService("RunService")
if not self.connection then
self.connection = rs.Heartbeat:Connect(function(dt)
if self.vehicleSeat.ThrottleFloat ~= 0 then
if not self.startTime then
self.startTime = tick()
self.currentTime = tick() - self.startTime
self.thrust.Force = Vector3.new(self.vehicleSeat.ThrottleFloat * self.currentTime * self.TotalMass, 0, 0) * self.vehicleSeat.CFrame.LookVector
self.velocityMagnitude = self.thrust.Force.Magnitude / self.TotalMass
self.startTime = nil
self.currentTime = nil
self.thrust.Force = Vector3.zero
print("thrust: ", self.thrust.Force)
the thrust of the boat is the length of the thrust vector thrust.Force.Magnitude
if its greater than the maxSpeed property than you can normalize it and then multiply with thrust.Force = thrust.Force.Unit * maxSpeed
hey man,
tysm for ur help! i took your suggestion and did something myself. the thing is is that when i printed out the thrust.force.Magnitude, it was printing quite a large number as the boat accelerated more and more like so:
i did something of my own and it does cap the speed however, the vector force flickers. i assume its because of the else statement overriding the force and stuff. its hard to explain. i made a video to show the force of the thrust when it hits max speed.
if math.abs(self.vehicleSeat.AssemblyLinearVelocity.X) >= self.vehicleSeat.MaxSpeed then
self.thrust.Force = self.thrust.Force.Unit
self.thrust.Force = Vector3.new(self.vehicleSeat.ThrottleFloat * self.currentTime * self.TotalMass, 0, 0) * self.vehicleSeat.CFrame.LookVector
--sets to the smallest number between itself and maxspeed, so if it goes over the maxspeed then it is equal to the max speed
--also have to adjust maxspeed since its in terms of time now
self.currentTime = math.min(self.currentTime, self.vehicleSeat.MaxSpeed)
self.thrust.Force = Vector3.new(self.vehicleSeat.ThrottleFloat * self.currentTime * self.TotalMass, 0, 0) * self.vehicleSeat.CFrame.LookVector
i’ve spent around 2-3 days researching on how to cap the speed with vectorforce but it’s a bit too advanced for me at the moment.
i used linearvelocity instead and it works now thanks to this video and to happy for contributing so i could clamp the time for more realistic acceleration!
function boat:HandleThrust()
local rs = game:GetService("RunService")
if not self.connection then
self.connection = rs.Heartbeat:Connect(function(dt)
if self.vehicleSeat.ThrottleFloat ~= 0 then
if not self.startTime then
self.startTime = tick()
self.currentTime = math.min(tick() - self.startTime, self.vehicleSeat.MaxSpeed)
self.thrust.LineVelocity = self.vehicleSeat.ThrottleFloat * self.currentTime
print("CurrentTime: "..self.currentTime)
self.startTime = nil
self.currentTime = nil
self.thrust.LineVelocity = 0