Okay this will need further explanation.
I’m working on a module script that reads custom html like language off a website. Right now raw pastebin. So I’m trying to implement 3D in my roblox web browser and the id can be always different and i need to load it when i load the url. So I cant pre-set an id or a mesh instance in ReplicatedStorage or somewhere else it needs to load the mesh when I load that page.
Ok so i added this in the module script (that is ran inside a local script):
function getMesh(id)
return mesh
and made a script that has the remote event in it:
local is = game:GetService("InsertService")
script.RemoteEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, id)
and i get this error now:
HTTP 403 (Forbidden)
Okay so when I play it inside the client and not in the studio in the F9 window in Server instead of http 403 i get
You cannot pass an object trough, what I meant to explain was that you can pass the id retrieved from the loaded asset and register it in an array, delete the loaded assets and pass that ID back, after so just check if the id exists in the array anf in case it does return that