local function getc()
local module = require(game.Workspace.path) -- giant table with all countries
for i,v in pairs(module) do -- table of all countries (es. TJ = {Name = "Tajikistan"})
for i,c in pairs(v) do -- single country
return c
and with this print: print(getc()), it printed me only one of the countries (totally random) →
All answers are welcome :D, ask me for more information if you don’t understand
It looks like you’re returning, which is going to return c and halt the loop. To further illustrate my point, here is an example:
local Example = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
local function PrintNumbersInTable()
for i, v in pairs(Example) do
return v
local function PrintTableOfNumbers()
for i, v in pairs(Example) do
print(PrintNumbersInTable()) -- prints 1 value.
PrintTableOfNumbers() -- prints all values in the table, as we're not returning out of the function.
So, what exactly does this mean for you? It depends on your use case here. If you intend to just print every country, you can simply print inside the function without returning anything, or return a table of all countries. If you wanted to check information on a certain country, you could simply look it up in the dictionary through a passed variable in the function like so:
local dict = {
TJ = {
Hello = "1",
World = "2"
CA = {
Hello = "3",
World = "4"
local function GetHelloValueForValue(Value)
if dict[Value] then
return dict[Value]["Hello"]
print(GetHelloValueForValue("CA")) -- prints 3
Hmm, what exactly is the desired outcome? Are they entering a countries name or something? There may be easier ways to achieve what you’re trying to do.
basically what i am doing is a voting system with HTTP service; i want that if a player write a country in the textbox then i can see it on ds. I just want to be sure that what a player is typing is a country
Ahh alright. Have you tried something like this? You can loop through the table and check if the country value is equal to the entered value, like this:
local function CheckIfCountry(EnteredValue)
for i, v in pairs(ExampleModule) do
if v["Country"] == EnteredValue or v["Country"] == string.gsub(EnteredValue, " ", "") then -- since it looks like your table doesnt have spaces, you can prob use gsub to erase spaces if the client enters that
return v["Country"] -- is a country, retruns the countries name in the table
local TextBoxText = someTextBox.Text
local Country = CheckIfCountry(TextBoxText)
if Country then -- anything below this wont fire if its not a country in the table
-- your code to datasave would be here, debounce might be useful on server side if ur using datastores as well as client sided stuff
i put a folder in workspace and for each country i put a boolvalue using this script
for i,v in pairs(require(game.Workspace.path)) do
for i,c in pairs(v) do
local va = Instance.new("BoolValue", game.Workspace.countries)
va.Name = c
in the script i put if folder:finfirstchild(suggestion) then...