Trying to copy the Eye Saver mode from Samsung monitors

Hey, if you have a modern Samsung monitor (mine is an Odyssey G3), you’ve probably heard about Eye Saver Mode.

Eye Saver Mode allows you to warm up the screen tone and blacks more noticeably to reduce eye fatigue and provide a more comfortable viewing experience. This is achieved by minimizing the blue light emitted by screens, since this color stimulates the retina more than others.

I wanted to replicate this effect in Roblox but I have evidence for you to understand to pick the colors:

This is eye saver OFF

And this is eye saver ON

The original image background ,white and black becomes diferent with eye Saver ON ,also you cannot take an screenshot of the monitor with the warm color by the same PC ,because the CPU won’t recognize the screen with filters applied by the monitor OSD so i decided to take screenshot in my Galaxy A10s

So please take the tools and Post Processing Effects to make it as good as better as I want

You can do this by tweaking the lighting properties as well as using a ColorCorrectionEffect.

If you set the ColorCorrectionEffect color to a warm yellow and increase the contrast to around 0.5, you’ll be able to achieve the desired effect. Obviously, you should play around with the different values and see which replicates it the closest.

ColorCorrectionEffect - RGB Color (255,215,128) , Contrast 0.5
Lighting Properties - Ambient and OutdoorAmbient RGB (255, 224, 192)

Not like that .I am going to make even realistic

What exactly do you have in mind then? In essence, screensaver mode is just applying a yellow tint to the screen. The pictures I attached were just an example and something that I did quickly. I’m sure you could make it more subtle like the images you provided if you spent more time changing the color and contrast values around and see what works.

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I finally made it
Use an ColorCorrectionEffect and copy these propetries

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