local mainButtons = script.Parent.Parent["Main Menu"].MainFrame.Buttons
local mainTitle = script.Parent.Parent["Main Menu"].MainFrame.Title
local menuButton = script.Parent.MenuButton
if mainButtons.Visible == false and mainTitle.Visible == false then
menuButton = true
if menuButton.Visible == true then
menuButton = false
mainButtons = true
mainTitle = true
This local script is separate from the one that has to deal with the buttons.
When the Gui is cloned to the Player, then the reference to it changes:
-- This is where you created it originally
-- This is where it gets cloned to
If you want to create a graphical user interface (GUI), write a script inside the GUI and bind buttons and other components to local variables for easier handling. If you still want to simulate a mouse click, the answer has already been provided above. However, I believe it’s unnecessary; it’s better to have the script directly inside the GUI or within the button for easier development.