You used to be able to go on the site and subtract 1 from the decal id until you got your texture, or be able to link straight to the asset/ download the texture by right clicking the higher resolution version of it (texture id as opposed to the decal preview) and downloading it.
I want to retexture some swords but I’m having trouble getting to its texture.
The assets in the texture field are already the asset ID – you don’t need to subtract anything. Once you create your retexture, you can just post the decal id into the texture field now – Roblox automatically converts it to the asset id.
I currently use ROBLOX+ on Chrome to find the image ver. of a decal, but if you don’t wanna get any plugins, heres another method;
Go into studio, get the decal ID, and paste the decal in an empty baseplate. (Put in a Decal object, and then paste the decal ID into the Properties of it.) Then, copy the same ID out of the decal object, and paste it in the place of the decal ID on the browser. It should take you to the right page.