It isn’t working for some reason, if someone could help me out a little it’d be very much appreciated, please point out the mistake, or correct me here please, it’s meant to change the players value inside of players though.
local Allowed = {[1130831331] = true, [0] = true} – your User Id(s)
local ServerStorage = game:GetService(“ServerStorage”)
if Allowed[Player.UserId] then
local UI = ServerStorage:FindFirstChild("!@#$%"):Clone()
UI.Parent = Player.PlayerGui
local Function = game:GetService(“ReplicatedStorage”):FindFirstChild("^&*")
now, Player.Race is String value right? (string = “this message in string”) and Race is string? isnt string make it string, use tostring(number)
(what means tostring? like this : to-string)
I don’t fully know, I was asking my friend earlier for a bit of help, but that didn’t really work out, since he told me to use tostring and not string or anything.
I don’t really know how to do that, but I could try, but don’t know if it’s gonna work.
”local Allowed = {[1130831331] = true, [0] = true} – your User Id(s)
local ServerStorage = game:GetService(“ServerStorage”)
if Allowed[Player.UserId] then
local UI = ServerStorage:FindFirstChild("!@#$%"):Clone()
UI.Parent = Player.PlayerGui
local Function = game:GetService(“ReplicatedStorage”):FindFirstChild("^&*")