Trying to get better at making UI

I have decided it’s time to quit being lazy and postponing a lot of work because I need UI for it. I’ve never been good at designing or creating visually pleasing stuff. This is the second inventory menu I have made. I’ll include both of them. (The new one and the old one) The first image is the one I made today and the second one I made about two weeks ago. Any and all feedback is majorly appreciated.

unknown (2)


Looks like an improvement from your old one!

I myself personally don’t like big UIs and prefer to have them minimal and sleek, an opinion others may agree too. The old one had titles for earch different section (which the new one slightly lacks). Also to point out the rounded pet boxes look a little weird:
The outlines seems inequal in width.
The old UI didn’t have that weird width.

Good job though! :+1:

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I can see some big improvements on the second design when compared to the first one, clearly you have improved on scaling the border lines properly and re-organizing things so it could be more appealing to the players, thus adding gradients to the text and choosing an appropriate font family.
Your current version looks good so far, although I would suggest adding some backgrounds to the UI to make it more eye-catching (and maybe making the “equip” button stands out more?).

Happy to help! :slight_smile:

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Hello! I have to say, both are great! Personally, my favourite is the first one. Keep up with the good work!

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Yeah, I had a whole bunch of issues with getting the UiGridLayout to work properly. However, I believe I managed to fix the issue. I wanted to add titles for the sections but haven’t fully decided on how to do it in an appealing way.


Yeah, I was planning to add some sort of background to make it stand out a bit more. I figured out a way to fix the scaling issues I had previously with borders so they’ve all been fixed! Also yeah I agree with the equip button but I am unsure on how to do so. Massive thanks :slight_smile:

Thank you very much! Is there anything special it is you like about it?

What I would suggest is adding a shadow with blue behind the button and adding slight gradient to the fill color. It might look as simple as this but it will do the trick!

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I like the colours used, it’s simple and good to look at, basically ^^
It’s just my preference of course, the second one is good too and there are people who liked that one aswell!

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Honestly that UI is generic but it stands out I love it!

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part 1 : select better colors

part 2 : select a nice font

part 3 : make it special with some icons etc.