Trying to get feedback on my game

Hey ! I made a game and I really want to get some feedbacks to update it ! Any feedback will be appreciated! The game link.

Some informations :

  1. If you see that game is too hard it’s normal.
  2. Some bugs and glitch can happen while you’re gameplay.
  3. Some stages is broken or something else, we’re sorry…


Hello, while playing this I’ve encountered some bugs.

  • I recommend you add a loading screen, as seen here

*The credited people load very slowly so adding a loading screen could benefit.

*Extreme is spelt wrong

I get the idea of this game, and you executed it well however I could not beat the first stage while playing the game. I am not sure if this is a troll game to get the players to rage however I tried many time and could not for the life of me get over the first stage lol.

  • I recommend you adding textures to the parts and implementing a style aswell as it is bland and could disfigure future players.

  • Trees are boring, try spicing it up. Changing color of trees and adding new decore.

*Could be distracting all though it does go away

  • I recommend there being away to mute audio.

In summary this is a good first game but some things could be fixed for the better.

Have a great day!

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Hello! Thanks for your feedback ! I’ll fix it right now !

Have a good day!

The whole “gui tweening” thing, that can’t be skipped when the player joins the game, needs to be definitely shortened, since you most likely don’t want players waiting until they can play your game.
Credits section could just be moved into the game’s description or something. Some of the music choice isn’t really good since it’s supposed to be a rage game, not some casual game.
I spawn in the middle of a forest at the start of the game, which is kind of weird. I see that a lamp post is in the middle of the road, which is weird as well. Spelling mistakes everywhere, although that’s minor. Stage and lobby design isn’t very good, doesn’t stick to some sort of theme.
The traps for the stages are way too confusing. Even IF it’s supposed to be a rage game, having unindicated traps in your obby is just plain unfair and will make players ragequit. You wouldn’t want that now, would you?

I think “extremely” would be the correct spelling because it’s supposed to be an adverb describing two adjectives “troll” and “hard”.
Also, “Most hard” sounds a bit weird to my English ears, “most hard” is just an incorrect way of saying “hardest”. I’d change it to “The hardest game” since nouns need a preposition. But since it’s a title, it doesn’t have to be grammatically perfect.
There are also more signs and texts that are spelt or written incorrectly, you can try using a spell checker such as Grammarly (not sponsored) to help.

The music is incredibly loud, you should either lower it to at least 50% permanently or give the player the ability to control music (if a volume control is too hard, a simple mute button works too).

It seems like every time I respawn the world does too, for example, some parts appear in the air and then fall into the void, the lights are all turned off then get turned on etc. I don’t understand why it would reset the world when respawning.

The game just seems unfinished altogether, it definitely requires some more building and polishing everywhere. Try working on it some more, because the potential to be a good game is there.
Good job so far tho!

Hey ! Thanks for your feedback ! I named it : “Most hard game” and not “The hardest game” because I’m sure this isn’t the hardest game on Roblox. But thank you!

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Hey! Thanks for your feedback ! I’m not a builder and I don’t very like to use plugins or free models, also I can’t use blender. The game is inspired by Tower of hell and as you can see : Tower of hell has some musics like that. The first time I released the game people spawned at the first stage. But I thought the first stage is so hard that I decided to change it and add few more things like a forest. Before, I never wanted to make a small forest on my game but the lobby was very empty. But thank you for your feedback!

I gave it a try and I agree with the other comments that the intro with credits etc that don’t allow me to skip are a bit annoying. In particular since after all that wait I couldn’t pass the first step. Yes, I’m not the best player but just thought that roblox advices to not put off players from the get go.

Just my opinion, by all means, I hope you do good with this game!

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