Trying to get rope swing platforms to continously swing back and forth

I’ve been making to make a tower obby for Addison’s Classic Towers, but I’m trying to make it so these rope platforms continuously swing, however I don’t really know how to really get this to happen. They do swing a lot, yes, but by the time you get there in the obby they would’ve lost a lot of the swinging power it had.

Link to game

Here’s the model of the rope swinging platforms to help troubleshooting

RopeSwingPlatforms.rbxm (5.3 KB)

I’ve tried messing around with the swinging platforms a lot but I couldn’t really find a solution that wouldn’t make the section harder/easier. I don’t really want to change the section, it’d kinda feel weird without it and if I were to add another obstacle it’d feel like filler.


The problem is there’s nothing pushing it.
You have a BodyVelocity in both Parts, but the support Part is Anchored…
The BodyVelocity you have in the swinging Part has no Velocity so the Force is there, it just isn’t pushing the Part in a direction.

Another issue you are going to have is that ropes don’t stop any twisting motion so if a Player jumps on this swinging platform it’s going to start spinning with every movement the player makes.

I’d suggest using a HingeConstraint with the Actuator set to Servoto swing the platform.
If you want the rope look you can keep them there, or just use 4 small diameter cylinder Parts (I find the Fabric Material looks decent for ropes). Weld an Unanchored pivot Part to the Platform and add another Anchored pivot Part with the HingeConstraint Attached to both pivot Parts.
You can use a script to switch the HingeConstraint.AngularVelocity from a positive to a negative number to swing the platform with wait(time) in between.
Change the HingeConstraint’s Angular Speed, AngularResponsiveness and ServoMaxTorque to fine tune this model:
RopeSwingPlatform(2).rbxm (6.6 KB)


Thanks for the help but I decided against the idea of the rope swing platforms swinging about and just decided to change them to single ropes. Thanks for trying to help though :happy3:


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Doesn’t this make them very unstable? If a player steps on the platform it’s going to start tipping and rotating end over end pretty wildly.

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CustomPhysicalProperties > Density.

i might change it in the future, just remember that this is a wip and things will and can change.