I’m trying to find the exact next level inside a dictionnary in my script :
function update()
for key,valueindico in pairs(roles) do
if key > val.Value then
print("trouvé "..key)
script.Parent.Text = valueindico
^This loop actually returns me any results higher than my amount of XP.
Let’s say I have 300 XP (level 3) and my next level is at 320 XP, I would like the loop to return "Level 4 ", not level 5 or anything, regardless of the amount of XP I have between both levels.
You need to loop through the entire dictionary to find the smallest value that is still bigger than the current XP. The way you have it written now will only find the first value in the dictionary that is higher than your XP, which is not necessarily the smallest.
Try this:
function update()
local smallest = math.huge --start at the biggest possible number
for key, value in roles do
--value should be higher than XP but smaller than the current smallest one
if key > val.Value and key < smallest then
smallest = key
print(smallest, roles[smallest]) --the result