With Voxel, some neon material colors no longer glow. Testing around, I’ve failed to replicate Legacy neon and am stuck on what to do. Take for example Maroon color. The color’s value is too low, which makes it so the glow doesn’t show. With bloom, the sky goes insane way before the maroon has any glow. I want to know if there’ll be a substitute like some “glow” material or glow object that I can just parent into the neon part added later, or if there’s some fix I haven’t heard of.
Effect I want (Legacy):

Effect I get (Voxel):

Obviously can’t stick with legacy forever, and compatibility does no good for the Neon parts that I desire to glow.
Also I apologize if this is in the wrong category, I’m not sure where this belongs since it’s not exactly scripting and its not exactly building either, but I’d prefer a scripted solution or a built solution that can be mass done through a script.
Increase the brightness of your color.
I’m getting glowing red neon in every lighting mode once the color reaches around 160 on any channel. I’d recommend making sure your colors are brighter than that.
Other note: It seems that both Legacy and Compatibility are the only modes that disable glow based on render quality, so that probably wouldn’t be the issue if you’re using Voxel. Glow appears in Compatibility at Level 08. (Check your render quality at File–>Settings–>Rendering–>EditQualityLevel)
Mode: voxel; left: RGB(155,0,0) right: RGB(255,0,0); Edit quality level: 21