Trying to give player default pants & shirt

Trying to figure out GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId but something seems off
It aplies the id but player is naked & if i copy the applied code and press enter it works

A video to understand what issue is:


local humanoidDescription = Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(player.UserId)
local pant = humanoidDescription.Pants
local clone = script:WaitForChild("NormalPant"):Clone()
clone.Parent = hit
clone.PantsTemplate = "" .. pant

I also tried printing, and the output type is a number, and it gives the correct clothing ID (6962898847)

Really weird, have no clue why it doesn’t work myself. I think you’d have to do a work around like cloning the pants before they ever change or use insert service

local copy_of_original_pants = InsertService:LoadAsset(pant)
copy_of_original_pants:GetChildren()[1].Parent = char
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if its the only default one then
open game setting
go to Avater
enable and set those to custom ids

It worked! You really saved my day. Thank you so much! :fist:

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