I encountered this error while trying to publish an asset:
PublishService AssetUpload failed. Info: HTTP StatusCode: 400, Message: { "code": "INVALID_ARGUMENT", "message": "DisplayName is required to create an asset." }
I’ve ensured that I’m providing a display name for the asset. I’ve also tried modifying the display name and re-submitting, but the error persists. I’ve consulted with other developers, and they haven’t been able to identify the problem either.
Has anyone experienced a similar issue or know what might be causing this? Any insights or troubleshooting tips would be greatly appreciated.
Experiencing this issue. My team is unable to import 3d models.
It seems like each individual mesh uploads, however it fails to bundle together everything as a model.
Also been experiencing this issue. I was able to import a model without issues a few hours ago, however.
I am also experiencing this issue
bumping this as it makes bulking importing not work, ill try and post this as a bug report
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Also bumping as I’m experiencing this too, doesn’t seem to be any way to add a display name to fix this
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I got this error when i had a # in the filename of the thing i was uploading? maybe weird punctuation is affecting your uploads too?
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