What do you want to achieve?
I’m trying to use the new “Asset Manager” that was implemented into roblox recently
to import a animation using “http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=123456789”
What is the issue?
When I import my animation, it gives me a file with the file type “File” so I can’t import it.
(Supported File Types)
as you can see “File” is not a supported type.
What solutions have you thought of so far?
I’ve looked up several topics, most topics that I found seem to be related to - how roblox can’t share animations with friends and how annoying it is.
I thought of maybe converting the file type with my Andriod, because andriods can convert any file type into any file type. Most/all file converter websites/apps don’t convert to fbx, obj etc. Upon conversion… I got this result…
That is when I realized I don’t know the file type needed to import animations, which then I went to the animation editor to see the file type needed to import, and I got this.
and if your smarter than an ape, I’m sure you know “.Animation Files” is not a file type.
Please do not bump threads, that is considered spam.
I don’t know how the asset manager deals with animation assets but I wouldn’t use it to get an animation asset anyway. Animations don’t exactly have a filesystem representation (as far as I know) so you will need to take other steps to be able to get the animation asset properly. Would’ve been worth a test to change the file’s extension to rbxm and insert it.
If you want to transfer raw animation data around or share it, you first need to use KeyframeSequenceProvider.GetKeyframeSequenceAsync. This takes a content url and gives you back the uploaded animation data, the KeyframeSequence. You can then use this instance as you like: save it as an RBXM(X) to send to someone, add it as an instance in the DataModel for someone else to grab, reupload it somewhere else, so on.
Script representation:
local KeyframeSequenceProvider = game:GetService("KeyframeSequenceProvider")
local animationId = "rbxassetid://123456789"
local animationData = KeyframeSequenceProvider:GetKeyframeSequenceAsync(animationId)
animationData.Parent = workspace