Trying to make a discord bot that recieves info from a group


Currently I’m trying to add a function in my discord bot (js) that shows the amount of members in a certain group. After a bit of searching, all I could find is this API. Does anyone know how to use it with the bot?

Any help will be appreciated.

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You can also strip the Html from the page which doesnt require an account or anything.

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Thanks for the reply, I’m completely new at coding bots, so is it possible you could elaborate a bit?

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I am currently not near my pc I will show an example when I can, if you don’t have another answer yet!


You just send the requests to the API. I can write you a little bot so you can understand it better.

const Discord = require("discord.js");
const request = require("request-promise");
const client = new Discord.Client();


client.on("message", async message => {
	const args = message.content.toLowerCase().split(/ +/g);
	const command = args.shift();

	if (command === "!membercount") {
		const groupId = args[0];

		if (!groupId) return message.reply("Specify a group id");

		const groupData = await request(`${groupId}`, {
			json: true

		return message.reply(`The group "${}" has ${groupData.memberCount} members!`);

Naturally, you’d like to use a library for dealing with the API requests for simplicity, for example bloxy


Hey, thanks for the reply, I’ve tried this and I’ve gotten this error, any idea why.

Have you defined “request”, in the error logs it seems like you haven’t.

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Make sure that you have ran the npm installer code for those

npm install request-promise
npm install discord.js

Alright, sorry for late reply, I did that and I got another error.

It can’t find the module request, so try also calling

npm install request

I get an response saying
The group "undefined" has undefined members!

This is the line of code that I use for my bot to find the number of Members in a group.

I use the axios package to fetch the data from an API

const axios = require("axios");

await axios.get(`${groupID}`).then(function (response) {
      members =