Trying to make a popular game 1v1

I’m making a 1v1 game called Phasebound (name might change). It’s a simple first-person brawler—no guns, just hands. You fight in 6 rounds; first to 3 wins gets a lifetime stat win, losers take an L. The lobby isn’t done yet, but it’ll have matchmaking and maybe elevators for picking opponents. The game has abilities you can buy for better odds. Movement includes running, sliding, and instant-kill punches, with possible kill effects.

Now im wondering, what can i add to get as much players as i can. Some abilities ideas, suggestions etc.


so it’s in first person? how would the attacking work- do you just click the mouse and throw hands?

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Yeah, simply click and throw a punch.

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there should be some mechanic in the punch. maybe charging it up will deal more damage, or the damage varies wherever the punch lands, (head, back, etc.)

without some good mechanics, it just kind of becomes a point and click game. i’m imagining a rivals fist fight 1v1… not exactly too fun.

it has potential though, people love intricate fighting systems! (and abilities…)

good luck!


If the punching is just clicking, are you allowing the user to control both hands separately, like in real life? I think you should make the punching detailed, so instead of just clicking you could have different mechanics you can do with your hands, maybe like grabbing the opponent (or objects in the environment) or charging punches.

I coincidentally made a simple system like this a few days ago for something I discontinued. You can control your right hand with right click and left hand with left click, and you can charge punches. Hitting the head would double damage etc. If you did more than x damage the opponent also gets knockback.

You could maybe also add a blocking mechanic, so when someone’s blocking the damage is halved (or nullified)(you could also allow blocking with one arm, so when the opponent hits them on the side of the body where they aren’t blocking they still get hit etc). You could have punches also apply effects, maybe when someone gets hit at the side of their body or in the stomach they get slowed, and if they get hit on the head they get dizzy (or they could go blind too)?

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Oh, did not think of that, maybe bad idea to keep insta-kill and add like 20 damage per hit and more with charged hits, abilities for bigger hitbox might not be bad too. Great ideas you got.

Tought of that, will maybe implement it. Surely good idea.

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