Trying to make a writable part for players to play custom song

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Wouldn’t the CustomGui be in PlayerGui instead of StarterGui when the player is in game?

I tried that but it only works for starter gui when players write on the part that’s adorned by the CustonGui well idk. I just wanna know how to do the name after they wrote the id on the part…

O wait lemme try using PlayerGui again

Yeah its not working, idk why

I did like

problem 2
Idk whats the problem, I’m literally an idiot lol

There are many things wrong with your script,

First of all, this script has to be a LocalScript, if you are not using one already.

Second of all, Line 1 & 2, you are setting ‘name’ to the ‘TextBox’ text, but then immediately settings ‘name’ to nothing on line 2.

Third of all, you don’t play a sound by setting ‘Playing’ equal to true, you do ‘[your sound location]:Play()’.

Forth of all, after the new audio update, you can’t make radio systems to play songs the developer does not own.

So if you are trying to make a radio system, then its impossible, sorry, but here is your fixed script, if it helps:

local _playersService = game:GetService("Players")
local _player = _playersService.LocalPlayer
local _name = game.Players.Name.CustomGui.TextBox.Text

workspace.[Your part].Touched:connect(function(hit)
   if (hit.Parent = _player.Character) then
       [location to your audio].SoundId = "rbxassetid://" .. _name
       [location to your audio]:Play()

Oooo ok, sorry for being an idiot, Im learning how to code while im reading the roblox code book

wait it didnt work theres an error

Whoops, my bad, add an extra ‘=’ following my ‘=’ in the ‘if statement’.

It still didnt work

Put the script in PlayerGui, make sure the script is a LocalScript. You have to make sure you are allowed to use the audio ID you are trying to play first.

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this one?
problem 5

Yes, the same way you add a script, add a LocalScript.

is it not working? Im using the audio made by roblox

You aren’t defining the audio clip in the LocalScript, do ‘workspace.Audio’ or something.

Give me a quick moment. Ill write you something

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wdym arent defining the audio clip in localscript?

Thinggg.rbxl (37.9 KB)

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local audio = workspace.Part.Audio

In your script you are saying

local audio = script.Parent.Audio

But your audio isn’t a child of PlayerGui.

Wow tytyty! First ima read it and understand it but thank you! btw I gave you 20 robux from Donate me. I wish I could give you more than that ;w;