so my dart’s velocity is so weird; idk how to improve it. when i click to shoot; my dart kinda freezes at where i want it to shoot from; but mainly my dart drops to the ground but i want it to go completely straight to the mouse position.
i appreciate any help; ty guys!
local function createDartVelocity()
local DART_VELOCITY = 50
local duration = 5
local newForce ="VectorForce", dartClone)
newForce.Force =, workspace.Gravity*dartClone.PrimaryPart:GetMass(),0)
dartClone.PrimaryPart.AssemblyLinearVelocity ="HumanoidRootPart").Position, mousePos).LookVector*DART_VELOCITY
Maybe you need more force by accounting for the other parts in your dart. Is it just the primary part? That’s the only force of gravity you’re countering.
Maybe just calculate the total mass of the whole dart, then multiply it by gravity and use 1 vector force. Also, be sure to apply it at the center of mass. Given there are multiple parts, the dart might rotate on you.
You need to use the mass of the entire dart assembly when calculating the force required to counter gravity. You can get the assembly mass using BasePart.AssemblyMass (e.g. dartClone.PrimaryPart.AssemblyMass instead of :GetMass()).
BasePart:ApplyImpulse() is recommended over directly setting the velocity (source). For your code, that change would look like:
local velocityDirection ="HumanoidRootPart").Position, mousePos).LookVector
local dartMass = dartClone.PrimaryPart.AssemblyMass
local impulse = velocityDirection*dartMass*DART_VELOCITY
The freezing looks like a more complicated issue having to do with the network ownership and replication. I would need to see the code where you create the darts (e.g. if the darts are given velocity on the client or server) for more details on that. The TL;DR: is that the most optimal way is to have a “projectile buffer” of projectiles created on the server with client network ownership that the client can then use when they need to shoot a projectile. That results in zero latency for the client.
thanks a million for your help. i got it to work. i used this:
instead of this:
and it worked perfectly after that. thanks for giving me a code example for the impulse that was a lot more intuitive. as for the freezing, i’ll have a look at it the next day but thanks for your help!
local function createDartVelocity()
local function CalculateMassofDart()
local totalMass = 0
for _, part in ipairs(dartClone:GetChildren()) do
if part:IsA("MeshPart") then
totalMass = totalMass + part.AssemblyMass
print("massofDart: "..totalMass)
return totalMass
local DART_VELOCITY = 50
local duration = 5
local massofDart = CalculateMassofDart()
local gravityForce =, -gravity * massofDart, 0)
local velocityDirection =, mousePos).LookVector
local impulse = velocityDirection*massofDart*DART_VELOCITY
print("Gravity Force: ", gravityForce)
print("velocityDirection: "..tostring(velocityDirection))
print("impulse: "..tostring(impulse))