Trying to make logo 3D text

Hello there! I’m trying to make some roblox 3D logo at first time in my life. I’d love to get some feedbacks and tips. This is what I got working on text:

It looks pretty simple and I think there could be more details, but I don’t know what to put on text, so If you have any ideas I’d love to hear them. Thanks! :blush:


Looks nice to me.
I’m guessing the orange line won’t actually be there.

One thing, and thats the bloom/brightness is too much for me

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like it but the background is a gradient gray but the roblox symbol inside is white.Everything else looks good!

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Looks good but the bloom makes the center of the “O” white instead of transparent which makes it looks pretty bad.

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I know, its wip, so I wont use any background at the end