Trying to make part spin with hinge constraints

im trying to make this part spin but its not working.




You could just use a script to rotate the part.

Local part = game.Workspace.Part

While true do
    Part.Rotation = Part.Rotation + Vector3.New(0, 0, 1)

Use AngularVelocity for this. The constraint.


You have the AngularVelocity of the HingeConstraint Motor set to 0. Change it to whatever value you want that makes it spin as fast as you want.

@Happypigbaconalt that works, but if you CFrame it like that then players or Parts won’t move with it.


hey man,
cheers 4 the response but i tried this and it wont work if the part is anchored. im probably doing something wrong but idk

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whats up man,

thanks 4 ur help. i got it to spin but it only goes so far. i have both attachments in the same position more less.

wsg bro,

thanks for your help with the script but the problem is when ur scripting it doesnt move the player with the part and thats what i want it to doo but ty :slight_smile:


Well, since it is a constraint, it requires physics so yeah you need it unanchored.

You don’t have the Attachments aligned to the same Orientation though.
Select each Attachment and look at the yellow and orange arrows. They need to be facing the same direction. The yellow arrow is the axis the HingeConstraint will spin on. The orange one is the way the original hinge placement is facing which is used for aligning the HingeConstraint when its set to Servo, not Motor.

The other issue is you’ve now changed your HingeConstraint properties. I only said to change the AngularVelocity but you now have it set like this:
Screenshot 2024-03-12 231157
AngularVelocity is in Radians per second. Try 1 or 2 to start with.
MotorMaxAcceleration is fine at 5000, but if you want the Motor to get up to speed a bit slower you could set it to a value like 5 or 10.
The biggest issue is that you’ve set the MotorMaxTorque to 0. This means your motor has absolutely no torque to make it spin. Set it to a very high number like your original picture.

Click the blue link I posted before about HingeConstraints. All this stuff is explained there.


ugh, i shouldve known ab the attachments. :man_facepalming:

thank u so so so much 4 ur help scott, i really appreciate it. have a great day, u helped me figured it out. :smiley:


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