Trying to negate mesh parts

Hi, is there any way I can negate the mesh part because I get an error “Negation failed”. It says “Part type not supported in CSG. Only blocks, spheres, cylinders, wedges and corner-wedges are currently supported.” I tried disabling in settings csg v2, but I get an error “This part or mesh type is not supported.”

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You’re getting that error because you can’t negate MeshParts, only Parts and Unions. This has been asked before, please use the search function.


Hello, thanks for answering. I can’t seem to find the topics that relates to my issue as I only find similar topics. So technically it isn’t available to negate the meshpart because it will cause problems or it wasn’t added yet?

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As far as I know it’s not going to be added because there are better far better “negate” tools in 3D modelling software, such as Blender’s Boolean modifier.

Also just searching “negate mesh” resulted in many threads that are answered, I know because I’ve answered a few of them.