Trying to put caterpillar models in slots

im trying to assign thumbnails to my slots right. i have common, uncommon and rare caterpillars which you can buy from the shop. i have intValues which show me how much commons, uncommons etc that a player has. im trying to clone my caterpillar models to the corresponding slots.


function module.createSlots()
	local totalval = 0
	--count slots to make
	for _, caterpillarValue in pairs(invfolder:GetChildren()) do
		if caterpillarValue:IsA("IntValue") and caterpillarValue.Value > 0 then

			totalval += caterpillarValue.Value

	if open == true then
		--print("caterpillar slots to make: "..totalval)
		local check = 0
		--make slots
		for s = 1, totalval do
			local slotclone = slotButton:Clone()
			slotclone.Parent = scrollingframe
			local thumbnail = slotclone.thumbnail
			local cam ="Camera", thumbnail)
			thumbnail.CurrentCamera = cam
			check += 1
		--print("slots created: "..check)


this is the inventory:


do u have the picture of each of them? or u are tryna display a 3D model of them, if thats the case, u should learn about ViewportDisplay, its a 3D world displaying in a 2D frame

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hey man,
yes im trying to display a 3d model of them. i usually know how to work with viewportframes but im trying to adapt it so if i have 5 common caterpillars and 10 uncommon caterpillars , it’ll clone the different rarity models to the slots. i only got the slots set up but i cant really get the models to clone.

are u saying u want to add the value of 5 common caterpillar and 10 uncommon and if the result is equal or greater than rare caterpillar, u want the rare one to be displayed instead?

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mb i think i worded it badly.

i have a shop right and i can buy any of these.

it’ll store how many i have bought in the intvalues i have here for different rarities:

i want my different caterpillar models to show up in the slots here:
eg. if i have 10 common caterpillars, there will be 10 common caterpillar models and so on

try this

function module.createSlots()
	local totalval = 0
	for i, v in pairs(scrollingframe:GetChildren()) do -- this is to clear ur inventory before readding slots
		if v.ClassName == "TextButton" then -- Assuming the slotbutton is textbutton
	--count slots to make
	for _, caterpillarValue in pairs(invfolder:GetChildren()) do
		if caterpillarValue:IsA("IntValue") and caterpillarValue.Value > 0 then

			if open == true then
				for i = 1, caterpillarValue.Value do
					local slotclone = slotButton:Clone()
					slotclone.Parent = scrollingframe
					local thumbnail = slotclone.thumbnail
					local cam ="Camera")
					cam.Parent = thumbnail
					thumbnail.CurrentCamera = cam
					local caterpillarmodel = game.ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild(caterpillarValue.Name) -- Locate ur caterpillar model
					if caterpillarmodel then
						local ClonedModel = caterpillarmodel:Clone()
						local Distance = 10
						ClonedModel:PivotTo(cam.CFrame +, 0, -Distance))
						ClonedModel.Parent = thumbnail


carefully read the variables and locate ur own model

This inventory has the dot illusion, where you can see some dots in the corners of the slots if you don’t look directly at it :ok_hand: