Trying to randomly change the properties of parts in a model

Hello developers, I would like to know if it’s possible to randomly change the properties of parts in a model to quickly and easily randomize certain properties.

I’ve tried something but ended up crashing Studio and losing all current progress and having to redo what I just did all over again.

Any help with this is massively appreciated,
Thanks, MBroNetwork.

Edit: I’m trying to change the properties with a script, not just randomly pick out the parts in the explorer.

Try something like this:

I’m basically just changing the value of a StringValue.

local test = {

local function randomizeValue(getObjectProperty, getTable)
	local randomizedTable = getTable[math.random(1, #getTable)]
	getObjectProperty.Value = randomizedTable

while task.wait(.5) do
	randomizeValue(script.Value, test)
	print("test: " .. tostring(script.Value.Value))


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Set up/change your autorecovery settings so you don’t lose progress again.

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