Trying to recreate "Mouse.KeyDown" with OOP

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The title says its all. Im trying to recreate the deprecated mouse function “Mouse.KeyDown()”.

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(I recently learnt OOP so im not quite a pro with it yet. So sorry if this is an easy fix)

I can create the signal n everything. But the problem occurs when i want to connect a callback to the Signal

Code for creating a new signal(Just a returned UserInput Signal)

Signal module

local module = {}

	local self = setmetatable(module, {})
	self.Signal = game:GetService("UserInputService").InputBegan

	return self

return module

Main module

local module = {}
local SignalModule = require(script:WaitForChild("Signal"))

	local self = setmetatable(module, {})
	self.Signal =
	return self

function module:Connect(Func)
	self.Signal:Connect(Func) -- // Problem occurs here. Since the "Func" is a callback i cant access the InputObject?.

How would i be able to connect the first arg(Callback) AND access the InputObject returned from UserInputService??

Your setmetatable is wrong should be
local self = setmetatable({},module)

Secondly, you should have the :Connect method to be in the signal module and not in the main module

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