Trying to recreate this Liquid Breakout Lift effect


I wanted to know how I could recreate this effect:

I know how to create a truss beam illusion, I just don’t know how to make the background and some other effects.

Can someone help me out?


Just a quick glance, but it’s basically all particles and smoke FX with values to make them float up, etc. Looks like the standard Roblox particle textures too. Very creative us of them, I agree. :grinning:

The truss beam is just a client side script with a scrolling texture set to go really fast.


I get how to make the particle effects, but what about the background?

Yeah, I hit the wrong button before I finished typing, but I’ve used a similar effect with scrolling textures. :grinning:

Pretty sure it’s a simple model cloning technique that’s done locally for seamless transition. Basically, you clone the background model, stack it on top of one another and move them all at the same time.

As for the particles, just change some properties like Acceleration and such.

woah that’s my game! hi :boom:
the background is a looping mesh model, with the particles being on a stationary part with a lot of acceleration/speed. the trusses are just beams. that should be easy to recreate


Your famous already. :grinning:
Is the truss also moving or just the textures on it? Technical curiosity. :thinking:

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actually iirc it might just be moving parts that have beams or textures on them :+1:


I always feel like I’m spoiling a magic trick when people ask me to explain the special FX in games, I like the mystery of how they did it. :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:


Could you upload the media to a different platform, like YouTube? I don’t feel comfortable clicking that.


oh shit i have a trojan virus now!!!

I’ve used this website multiple times, it is completely fine for me.

Where did you get this info from anyway?

no way it’s luxtypes lol

How even would you get started making the background loop? I’m pretty bad at coding with cloning/positioning


Oh, yeah, I was completely unaware with where to put this lol. thx

Search the forums for “infinite road” or similar text. I’ve seen plenty of people ask about them.

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Ooooh, this actually did get me somewhere. Although maybe not exactly what I was looking for though.


blueberry and Blueberry Girl

Coincedence? I think NOT!