Trying to understand a simple math print script, Need a little help

I am trying to make the script print “We reached the end!” when a == 5, but for some reason it isn’t working. It just keep printing “We are not there yet.” even after it passes 5 times. Can someone please help?

while true do
	local a = 1
	local b = 1
	if a == 5 then
		print("We reached the end!")
		print("We are not there yet.")

I also want it to stop after it reaches 5 but I’m not sure how it works.

Because you are only checking if a is exactly equal to 5.
also, you arent adding the number.

use math.min

math.min(5, a + 1)

What does math.min do? I want to understand every part so I don’t get confused in the future

minimum number
gets minimum number
can be used as a upper limit
that simple
roblox says it as well.

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