Trying to upload a animation for a game. But keeps giving me a HTTP 500 Error

So i’m trying to upload a emote/animation for my upcoming game “Gun Crazy 2”. But it’s keep giving me a HTTP Error 500. I need help. Tell me possible fixes please.

Screen Shot 2022-08-26 at 8.34.37 PM

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Try changing the name of the animation and the physical animation object in game to have no special characters such as dashes or spaces.

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Same thing that’s happening to me.

Bro It still uploads even tho there’s an error… I was trying to upload an IDLE Animation and I kept getting the same error until I looked into my animations area.

I’m going to try that. [filler cuz roblox doesn’t like very small replies lol]

Okay now it works for me. Idk if the fix that @Viperdune suggested. or roblox servers allowed me