Trying to use webhooks to show the level of someone

Hi! Im trying to use a webhook to show someones level, gold and resets, but when i try and do that, it shows me this. image. Any help would be nice, Thanks!


     local HttpServ = game:GetService('HttpService')


local url = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"


    local data = 
        ["content"] = "",
        ["embeds"] = {{
            ["title"] = "**Player Joined!**",
            ["description"] = "Name of Player "..plr.Name,
            ["type"] = "rich",
            ["color"] = tonumber(0xff0000),
            ["fields"] = {
                    ["name"] = "LOVE",
                    ["value"] = plr.LOVE.Value,
                    ["inline"] = true
                    ["name"] = "GOLD",
                    ["value"] = plr.Gold.Value,
                    ["inline"] = true
                    ["name"] = "Resets",
                    ["value"] = plr.Resets.Value,
                    ["inline"] = true
    local newdata = HttpServ:JSONEncode(data)
    HttpServ:PostAsync(url, newdata)

Before you do this, just note that Discord webhooks aren’t supposed to be used for logging. They especially shouldn’t be used if your game has high traffic, as there’s a possibility that you’ll exceed their rate limit (which is 30 messages/minute, correct me if I’m wrong).

Also could you elaborate more on the issue you’re encountering?

Thanks, When i connect to the game, its supposed to show my current LOVE, instead it shows “LOVE - 0”
“GOLD” = 0 and “RESETS” - 0.

Could you show me an example of what it’s supposed to look like instead? I’m a little confused.

Sure, sorry if im being not specific, its supposed to show this.

The LOVE is meant to be the players level, which is plr.LOVE.Value
So is the gold
and the resets.