Tsubaki Kitchen | Public Handbook

:sushi: Tsubaki Kitchen

:link: - Tsubaki Kitchen - Roblox

:wave: Welcome!

Hello, and welcome to Tsubaki Kitchen! We are a new & ambitious hibachi restaurant within the ROBLOX space! We have a lot planned for this community, and we pride ourselves on providing a promise in service to all of our customers. Our community was created on October 27th, 2024 with a huge ambition to create a unique and exciting experience on the ROBLOX platform.

:exclamation: Contents!

:arrow_up:Structure / General Information

Rank Structure

:briefcase: Presidential Team

The President is ultimately responsible for the day-to-day operations of our community. They are the owner and founder of our community.

Vice President
The Vice President will assist the President with anything that they deem necessary - the VP will be our technical lead, responsible for the development of our community.

Presidential Assistant
The Presidential Assistant will act as a liaison between the presidential as well as the community, and executives. Assisting the President and Vice President in making executive decisions, and leading on community growth.

:mortar_board: Executive Team

Executive Director
The Executive Director will act as the Director of a department. They will be responsible for maintaining and managing the department, as they see fit.

Executive Assistant
The Executive Assistant will act as a ‘second-in-command’ to an Executive Director, assisting them with the running and day-to-day management of their respective department.

Board of Executives
The Board of Executives will be a select few members within a department, who are granted a position in leadership.

Board of Executive Positions

Public Relations Department

  • Head of Customer Experience

    • Responsible for managing customer experience, ensuring suggestions are heard on an executive level.
  • Head of Affiliations

    • Responsible for forming and managing affiliations.
  • Head of Public Engagement

    • Responsible for managing public affairs and community events/engagement.

Human Resources Department

  • Head of Internal Affairs

    • Responsible for managing staff regulations and ensuring staff are professional at all times.
  • Head of Training & Recruitment

    • Responsible for managing staff training and recruitment opportunities (applications)
  • Head of Moderation

    • Responsible for managing moderation throughout the community.

Executive Officer
Executive Officers are the starting rank for department members, they have successfully passed a departmental application.

:rotating_light: Management Team

General Management
General Management is the first role within Tsubaki that is able to host trainings. They will also help out with monitoring the restaurant.

Managers will supervise the restaurant, dealing with any moderation actions. They may co-host or train within trainings.

Assistant Manager
Assistant Managers will supervise the restaurant, dealing with any moderation actions. They may train within trainings.

Supervisors will supervise the restaurant, dealing with any moderation actions. They may train within trainings.

Team Leader
Team Leaders will help out in the restaurant, dealing with any customer or staff concerns. They may train within trainings.

Interns will not have any moderation powers - they are learning what it is like to become part of the management team, here at Tsubaki! They may help within trainings.

:cherry_blossom: Staff Team

Experienced Hibachi Chef
EHC’s may help within trainings. You will require 2500 Staff Points to be able to achieve this rank.

Head Hibachi Chef
You will require 1500 Staff Points to be able to achieve this rank.

Senior Hibachi Chef
You will require 1000 Staff Points to be able to achieve this rank.

Hibachi Chef
You will require 500 Staff Points to be able to achieve this rank.

Junior Hibachi Chef
This will be the first rank that you will be able to cook food. You will require ‘Hibachi Training’ to achieve this rank.

Waiting Staff
At this rank, you will only be allowed to take customers to their tables, and provide drinks - you will accompany a hibachi chef. You will require a ‘Basic Training’ to achieve this rank.

✊Human Resources Department

The Human Resources department is responsible for the hiring, management and maintenance of our internal affairs and staffing system. They will operate the day-to-day management of training, staff development and staff professionalism. For all staff, they will be your go-to department, regarding any queries that you may have.

  • Executive Director: RaspyConflict
  • Executive Assistant: elinemrt
  • Head of Training & Recruitment: rrt1234q
  • Head of Internal Affairs: MeerkatTDW
  • Head of Moderation: ifihadtoldhim
🔓Public Relations Department

The Public Relations department is responsible for the management and maintenance of affiliations, public and customer engagement. They will manage the day-to-day in terms of forming and managing affiliates and maintaining a healthy affiliation relationship. They will also be responsible for managing the community, ensuring it is engaged.

  • Executive Director: AvaConflict
  • Executive Assistant: CandyConflict
  • Head of Affiliates: LaraConflict
  • Head of Customer Experience: sc6rl
  • Head of Public Engagement: ViceDirectorAndrew
👷‍♂️Presidential & Development

The Presidential & Development department are the senior developers and leaders of our community. They will be responsible for the overall running of our group, as well as the development of assets, systems and buildings for our group.

  • President: AstroConflict
  • Vice President: KozConflict
  • Presidential Assistant: Verlalina
  • Presidential Assistant: N/A
  • Lead Developer: Killermanwithacookie

:scroll:Employee Information

Promotion Guide

All of our low-ranked promotions work on a points or training system. You will be required to reach a certain amount of staff points in order to be promoted - this should automatically promote you if you are in the game. Otherwise, you may contact the Human Resources department by making a ticket.

Experienced Hibachi Chef → Intern
In order to start your experience as a Management member, you will need to await for our Human Resources team to announcement ‘Management Applications’, these will allow you to apply for a management position. Here are a few tips to passing management applications:

  • Make sure to be active in game - this is definitely the quickest way of getting noticed.
  • Make sure to put effort into your application - our Human Resources team will look for quantity in the application but most importantly the actual content.
  • Do not ask about the status of your application - our Human Resources team will announce all of the passers once they have reviewed all of the applications.
  • You must be within our communications server - you must also be active within the server!
  • You must have no negative, or moderation background within Tsubaki.
Training Times

WIP - Training Times will be released closer to the release of TK.

:question:Frequently Asked Questions

How would I get a job at TK?

In order to get a role within our community you will need to head to our Application Center and complete the automated quiz.

How would I become an affiliate?

Our Public Relations team handle all queries regarding affiliations - please contact them via our communications server.

:link: Important Links!

Group Link: Tsubaki Kitchen - Roblox

Thank you for taking the time to read the Public Handbook for Tsubaki Kitchen! We hope this was helpful.

Last Updated: November 22nd @ 23:04 BST


Presidential Team
Tsubaki Leadership