Game Link: Tsunami Game - Roblox
Game Programming - TheAmazeman
*Tsunami (waves 1,2,3,4,5,6 receding and active tsunami physics)
*Button Press
*Reservoir filling and suction system
*Risk system
*Coin spawning system
*Gear programming (life ring, paddleboard, canoe, diving suit, potions, tridents, anchor, barrel, trampoline, blow dryer, shield, binoculars, tree house, bank building, happy home, sponge, banana, tsunami level 6 remote, life revival, level 100 tsunami)
*Shop system
*Gear saving / loading system
*GUI scripting
*Dev products
-Tsunami level 6
-Life revival system
*Button presser hallway
*Winner’s shop
*Bob Robert’s banana market (supply and demand influenced)
*Ayy Lamo’s shop
*Lore behind Bob Robert and Ayy Lamo
-2X risk
-Unlimited trident gear
-Unlimited blow dryer gear
*Quest system dialogue text and lore
*Banana Clicker 3333
*Placement of outside desert landscape meshes, and landscape layout, outside obby
-Researcher VIP
- Researcher guns
- Statistics
- Camera viewing system
- Player status board
3D modeling, building and texturing - InYo22
*Tsunamis (wave 1,2,3,4,5,6, level 100)
*Tsunami level 100 platform rising (Roblox physics constraints)
*Tsunami particle effects
*Map (rock placements, measurements, caves, waterfall grate, reservoir)
*Research facility
*Reservoir particle effects
-Velocity pad walkway system, staircases and hallways
-Research room, pipe models, leaderboards, stat boards, shelves
*Outside desert road and cars
*Took badge pictures
*Winner’s shop
*Future update cave room in lobby
Programmer - Progatician
*Toolbar & backpack system (drag and drop, automatic tool slot usage, equipping punch tool as first tool when in the PVP circle)
*Storage vault system
*Bob Robert and Ayy Lamo Quest / Dialogue system
*Chess minigame in winner’s lounge, 2 players required
*Chess Gear Items (Pawn, Knight, Bishop, Rook, Queen, King)
*UFO movement controls, UFO tier 2 gold mining
Programmer - TheNexusAvenger
*Custom Streaming
*Memory Leak Management
*Tool system rewrite
-Armor Gear
-Use Gear
-Placement Gear
*Private servers
-Freeze ray
-Some unrelased items
*Researcher minigames
-Treasure Hunt
*Click to move
*Misc other optimizations, and beckend engineering features
GFX - ThreeLivesTaken
*Gear tool icons
*GUI icons & gfx
*Gamepad display buttons for both PS5 and XBoxOne
*Badge outline
*Gamepass and dev product icons
*Lore pictures
As of 1-16-24, Game Icon is AI Generated using DALLE-3, and touched up by VVG GFX Artist. Artist makes percentage of profit. By playing VVG, your playtime and purchases go to support both game developers and the resident game gfx artist.
Music - Phalack
*Main game music theme
*Desert Theme (outside the facility)
*Impending Doom Theme (button presser hallways)
*Bob Robert Theme (banana market cave & minecart track)
*Into The Void Interlude (Falling down the 2nd middle caves), inspired by Black Sabbath “Into the Void”
*Alien Theme (near Ayy Lamo)
*Greek Temple theme
*Winner’s Lounge theme
Misc. Meshs:
*Outside desert landscape / rock meshs
*Greek Temple outside
Bob Robert to Ayy Lamo Minecart area upgrade - Armuless
Other music credits:
*Ode to Joy (Trident God Powers)
Sound Sfx: or home recorded
UFO sounds:
Level 100 tsunami alarm:
Cloud Obby random cloud sound: Ethereal Music for Space and Serenity by ViraMiller – Freesound - Ethereal Music for Space and Serenity by ViraMiller – License: Attribution 4.0
Negative buzz bass sound: 32bitPC
Trailer - MrGillett
*Thud and button press sound effects
GUI design: TheAmazeman and 13_37
Clothing for Researchers - cSapphire
Open source Ragdoll System - ContextLost
Punching Hit detection via module by Swordphin123
Camera shake functionality via module by sleitnick
Thumbnail by itsj64
Translations managed by EntrepreneurMuffin
- Bengali | 0Techy
- Czech | Fliper05YT
- Danish | Yaenanr
- Dutch | 2rmen
- Filipino | Aethereuss
- Finnish | FourLetterBuilds
- French | Darkvsx, SxnfulParadox
- German | Pauperoni, TeeInTea
- Greek | EntrepreneurMuffin
- Hindi | blitzahon
- Indonesian | Goscav
- Italian | ShartresRais_zx
- Japanese | oz_ken
- Korean | ArkWiller
- Polish | kacper532
- Portuguese | RoyalConstructor
- Russian | VulpesV
- Slovak | xv3rted
- Spanish | Dronetto
- Swedish | Im_Linnea
- Thai | KinnyBloxy, Xitra_II
- Turkish |
- Vietnamese | EligeEberling
- Malay | ZariffAdeeb
Other VVG game credits: