Tsunami Game Researcher Minigames

Tsunami Game Researcher Gamepass: Minigames

Tsunami Game Researcher is a gamepass which unlocks the ability to create minigames in Tsunami Game. The amount of minigames can change overtime, allowing for content updates based on internal team ideas and potentially player submitted suggestions.

This document is currently updated to (9) Minigames, last updated 2/13/24

Each minigame requires a certain order for the valves inside the Researcher Room.

Where are the codes?
The codes are in the cafeteria, which you can open the researcher quick teleport menu to easily navigate between the researcher room, and cafeteria, and beach.

Each time a minigame is over, it is highlighted as red so you will know it is in cooldown. Currently active minigames are denoted as green.

The minigames:

Wave 1 Obby

Duration: 30 Seconds
Cooldown: 13 minutes

No Rocks

Duration: 2 minutes
Cooldown: 15 minutes

No Middle Caves

Replaces the middle safe cave with a giant void that the player falls through
Duration: 2 minutes
Cooldown: 15 minutes

Random Tsunami
image image
Duration: 1 minute
Cooldown: 5 minutes

Cave Zig Zag

Randomly selects either the right, left, right, or left, right, left caves to be the only ones.
Duration: 2 minutes
Cooldown: 7 minutes

Wave 5 Speedrun

Every 20 to 30 seconds, randomly, the button is automatically available for a level 5 for someone to press.
Duration: 100 seconds
Cooldown: 15 minutes

Hell Obby (System Down until a severe glitch can be ensured fixed)

Alien Invasion

Duration: Depends on peaceful vs attack ending
Cooldown: 20 minutes

Double Damage

Duration: 2 minutes
Cooldown: 1 hour

Treasure Hunt

Double the amount of point coins, halves the tsunami timer.
Duration: 4 minutes
Cooldown: 30 minutes

Double Speed
Everything is double the speed, player walkspeed, gear speed, and the tsunamis!
Duration: 4 minutes
Cooldown: 20 minutes

Slow Speed
Everything is slower (75% the normal speed), player walkspeed, gear speed, and the tsunamis!
Duration: 1 minute
Cooldown: 20 minutes

Cloud Obby

Vote for next minigame

  • Flood (Stay put in a high tower to avoid damage)
  • Underworld Obby (The map descends down and players cross with lava replacing the normal waves)
  • Flappy Tsunami Obby (Every player floats and the waves are automatically coming switching from top to bottom)

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