[Classic Map] Classic look and feel is back and here to stay!
[New Minigame] Cloud Obby. If you liked the plastic clouds, they appear in this obby
Cloud Obby uses 2024 default map clouds and water texture
Cloud Obby Badge: Cloud 9
Cloud Obby Badge: Cross the game while having touched 80% of the clouds
Hell Obby minigame suspended due to glitch
[Glitch fix] Banana crate amount error when first buyer in a server
[Glitch fix] UFO tool cannot be used out of bounds anymore
[Glitch fix] Rook tower invincibility
[Glitch fix] Game music no longer stops when in this room
[Glitch fix] Networkowner fixed for trollgun, tracker, and shotgun (UFO Invasion minigame tool)
All Future winter maps will only be for the month of December
Dev Note: All set for TextChatService
[NEW GEAR] Victorian Step Ladder
Find in the Victorian Era Room (4 hours of play time in the play lounge)
Get by playing Step Counter 1984
, a new dystopian game where you click to gain steps to earn shillings
Convert shillings into placement health for your very own Victorian Step Ladder, which gives you class while surviving up to level 2 with ease.
[Glitch fix] Flashing screen GUI will auto remove after 3 seconds if stuck for your device",
[Glitch fix] Some gear you can no longer use after you’ve died
[Glitch fix] Standing up before respawning
Dev Note: ConnectionClearers were added for tsunami creations
[NEW GAME] Drop Master
[Glitch fix] Storing month level 6 & year level 100 tsunami
[Glitch fix] Crowbar respawns if wielder leaves game
New crowbar animation
Storage Menu Gui corner appearance upgraded
[Glitch fix] UFO speed glitch patched[2]
[Glitch fix] Miner UFO purchase fixed
[Glitch fix] Mobile screen shop sizes fixed
[Glitch fix] Banana Boat store fixed
[Level 6 Remote] Buy 5 at a time with buy in bulk discount (28 Robux each, @ 139 Robux total)
[Level 6 Remote] Buy a month’s worth (2X a day) for 999 Robux.
2628000 seconds until tool disapears once you buy it.
[Level 100 Tsunami] Buy 5 at a time with buy in bulk discount (400 Robux each, @ 2000 Robux total)
[Level 100 Tsunami] Deal created for 50% discount (after regular purchase)
Must find deal in the new deals menu (proximity prompt).
Deals stay available until used. Then another regular purchase must be made before deal comes back.
[Level 100 Tsunami] Buy a full years worth for 16,666 Robux.
If you use all 365, it’s about 46 Robux per level 100.
Use about a month’s worth (8% streak rate) to break even with regular 666 Robux purchases.
[Glitch fix] Some items removed from ‘dev baseplate’
[Glitch fix] Pop up for losing armored gear items doesn’t pop up for permanent items
[Glitch fix] Fixed Chrome Banana teleport-portal (visible only while halfway done with quest 2)
[Minigame] Half speed changed to 75% Speed.
[Gear Display] Gear Ratings frame made invisible (ratings data will be continuous, display bug must be fixed before coming back)
[NEW GAME] Sinking Cruise Ship: Oceanos
Menu GUIs Updated
Added Chrome Banana teleport (to skip walking to Ayy Lamo a second time when returning chrome banana for minecart shortcut)
[Glitch fix] Fixed Minecarts
[Glitch fix] You will be teleported to the beach from more places during a Level 100 tsunami
[Glitch fix] Level 100 platform guaranteed to rise
[Glitch fix] Hot potatos do not hit through forcefields
[Glitch fix] Spaceships not landing properly
[Glitch fix] Music playing after level 100 tsunami
[Placement items] New anchor icon denotes when a tool is placed
[Glitch fix] Rook placement
[Code quality update]
Point deposit box added in lobby (currently no reason to deposit)
[Glitch fix] Placement item placement block is smoother
[Glitch fix] Minecart focibly seating you after getting up
[Glitch fix] Exit buttons visible on Bob and Alien shop
[Glitch fix] Quest5 completion in journal edge case
[Music] Region system reworked, no music & fade glitches fixed
[Level 100 Tsunami] Larger width backwave
[Level 100 Tsunami] Badge added for activating
[Dev Product] Squidcorp Spaceship escape level 100 tsunami
Bring up to 3 other people with you to survive a level 100
[Badge] Escape yourself / be saved in a spaceship from a level 100 tsunami
[Private Servers] Owner can change tsunami speed to up to 4X
[Private Servers] Owner can change player speed to up to 4X
[Tracker] Device locked on while outside of the facility even if player unequips it
Beach teleport portal added near alien
For the first canoe or paddleboard lost, you are refunded!
[Bishop] Nerfed. More controlled diagonal speed
[Glitch fix] Researcher gamepass role ranker in group fixed
[Glitch fix] Starting dialogue with alien when new player has tracker fixed
[Glitch fix] Camera going underground while being hit by a wave
[Minigame] Double Speed minigame quickens the tsunami timer
[Minigame] Half Speed minigame slows the tsunami timer
Click to move is now false by default
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