Turn character into tool

How I can turn a player who is a model into a tool (that I can take from my inventory), i started that but not work, i know its possible because i play on some games and they have that but i don’t see the way i could do that.

        if plr.Name == "Player1" then
        repeat wait() until plr.Backpack

        local tool = Instance.new("Tool")
        tool.Name = plr.Name
        tool.Parent = workspace

        local modelClone = char:Clone()
        modelClone.Parent = tool

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Are you refering to the actual player’s model or refering to the character the player is moving and turning that into a tool.

Just want to turn the Model of player into Tool ClassName (“they walk, run, can drive some bikes, and you can take them when you touch them like a tool.”).

Well that’s going to complicate things, because when you parent something under a character’s object you set the NetworkOwner to said player.

Maybe you can clone the player?

Maybe got an idea but if i set the player character Archivable, i do a tool in workspace and i parent the character to the tool but the Player.Character is still the Model and not the Tool ?

Here so this is what I suggest:

  1. On player (who cant become a tool) touching another player (who can become a tool) the following will happen:
  2. Parent the player’s actual character to somewhere outside of workspace.
  3. Clone the player’s character and make it a tool
    3.1. Make sure to set the camera to the cloned character and back
  4. On unequip destroy the tool and put the character back in
  5. Make a cooldown for the player not to be able to grab the player because else he wont be able to drop it.

:thinking: you can’t set the Player.Character as a Tool it must be a Model or Part.

Just parent the cloned character to a tool, change the HumanoidRootPart’s name to “Handle” and parent it also directly to the tool.

it will send you can’t and you can only with Models or i don’t see what you mean :

Here is a video of what i mean (The “Stan” guy ) i can take it, drop it like a tool and he can run like a normal player but he’s a tool :face_with_monocle:
Lecteur multimédia (gyazo.com)

I updated the code but it work but i can’t take it :thinking:

		if plr.Name == "Player1" then
		local tool = Instance.new("Tool")
		tool.RequiresHandle = false
		tool.Name = plr.Name
		tool.Parent = workspace

		char.Parent = tool


I think it is more likely that the other '‘carried’ character is Welded to the ‘carrying’ characters hand.

What a coincidence that I have a free model that does this!
It sucks though, but it works.

EDIT: I made a v2 that follows my original vision. It’s a different similar method but with more fluff lol.