Superseded by V2, I reccomend using that instead!
SerialBit was made with speed and efficiently in mind. It’s made to store objects. For example, lets say a player made a cool build. How would you save it? You can’t store Instances. But, you can store strings. Serialization is the process the process of converting the state of an object into a form that can be persisted or transported. So, in order to save a build, you could use SerialBit, and then happily store your player builds in a datastore, using a compressed string.
See these totally not free model generic huts here?
Well, the hut on the far left is the original.
The middle, is a model completely rebuilt using SerialBit.
The right, is rebuilt by another serialization module, RbxSerialize
SerialBit was quite accurate, don’t you think?
SerialBit took 0.123 seconds to encode, compress, decode, decompress and then load this model! Without yielding, this would be faster (but you don’t want to crash the server with large models, do you? )
Infact, heres the string that SerialBit used to create this model.
Serialized string
What kind of cryptic language is this?!?!?! Witchcraft I say!
This string stores all the properties and descendants of the object.
It also saves a lot of space. RbxSerialize produced a string of 5k characters, while SerialBit produced a string of 3.6k. (That’s quite the difference)
Currently, it’s there’s just two functions. But, I can always add more! What do you think?
SerialBit.serial(Object: Instance): string
Serializes the instance and it’s descendants into a string. This can be loaded into an exact copy with
SerialBit.struct(Serial: string): Instance
Instances the model from the serial string. Returns a Model.
SerialBit.reference(Object : Instance) : void
The object passed must have an attribute called “REF_ID”. The descendants of this object must also have an attribute called “REF_CHILD_ID”. When serializing a model with a reference, they must have the exact same attributes, but can have different properties.
Selected the desired object(s) and then run this code in the command bar
local Selection = game:GetService("Selection") local Selected = Selection:Get() for i, v in Selected do local AllObjects = v:GetDescendants() v:SetAttribute("REF_ID", game:GetService("HttpService"):GenerateGUID(0):split("-")[1]) for i = 1, #AllObjects do local Object = AllObjects[i] Object:SetAttribute("REF_CHILD_ID", game:GetService("HttpService"):GenerateGUID(0):split("-")[1]) end end
This is our reference object.
In our script, we’d add this using SerialBit.reference
We would then serialize like normal.
We can also change the properties of the reference object:
(hes now tall!)
And when loading the object into the game, it will clone the original reference object, and then apply all of the properties.
You can also use models and basically anything else as references, as long as they have the special attributes.
(It worked! But… everything was unanchored )
If you have any issues, suggestion, or nit-picks, please, leave a post! I’d like to hear from you all. Also, this is one of my first posts!
Doesn’t support MeshParts or Unions. Unfortunately, MeshParts are impossible to implement without using SpecialMeshes, which, in my opinion, is cheating! Union support may be something in the future