Turn objects into strings! - SerialBit

This looks amazing! I’ll definitely check it out.

Why is it that

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Well, you cant set the MeshId of a MeshPart in scripts. But, you can use SerialBit.reference instead, just with a bit more setup. Hope that helped. :slight_smile:

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Ah, okay. Never knew that you couldn’t set the MeshId of meshparts. Good to know.

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the package version is offsale

My bad, I just discovered i dont think you can share packages.

why not release it as a model (not a package)

It is released as a model. I released a package along with it, realised it doesn’t work, then removed it.

Nice work, I’ve abandoned by module due to how busy i am nowadays. I use some super old purelua library for compression and don’t necessarily understand it too much. Hence why now my compression is worse. Anyways there are some isseus like the way you store datatypes. However in some cases storing datatypes in pure text will be smaller. And in some cases it will be significantly bigger. Something i’ve wanted to implement is multiple headers for different encoding methods of datatypes and only use the smallest one. Howerver i never got around to it. The point is, offset this model with extreme decimal percision and with a great offset from the world origin and you will use significantly more memory. Consider storing some datatypes in a raw format.

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This is very cool and useful for safely storing models in your game with out having to worry too much about game theft.

All we need now is a client script serialization which will prevent client code theft and exploiters from viewing the script. All though running said code might be another challenge in it self too.

Keep up the great work!

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This module wasn’t for securing your game, but rather, for example, storing player builds. Unfortunately, i dont think anything like this is possible.

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Hello! First of all, I dont understand the compression module I use either :sweat_smile:. Also, wdym “raw format”

The purpose of the module was to condense everything into a string for storage (eg. Datastore). Do you mean storing it raw as in, like inside a table? That I can totally add as an option of storage, too!

Store all numbers in binary. use string.pack() or some sort of binary stream this will decrease your size significantly.


Thanks for the advice, ill have to research this stuff when I get home

did you implement that for the current update?

I really appreciate the idea!

I already implemented it! It was part of version 1.1.0. If you have any other ideas, tell me!

Can you compress this. It dosent seem very compressable because of the lack of repeated “words”

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What do you mean? Compress what?

the serialized string

The string is already compressed. I’m not sure what you’re trying to say.

SerialBit V1 has been superseded by V2