Turning a generic part into the player

It’s crazy this hasn’t been answered / asked before. I searched all tutorials, and looked at about 5 - none of them worked. Either required it to be a modified “Dummy” which needed to have all the parts (ex. Head, Torso, Etc.) or simply had instructions that didn’t work.

I just want this singular part, named “lightplayerblock” to be the player’s character instead of the traditional Dummy. The part has the following things as it’s child:




Name the cube/model StarterCharacter (make it also a model) and put it in StarterPlayer

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Does not work. Tried again and tried this before.



maybe add a humanoid aswell? (in the cube)

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Does not work.


Just found something that might help


That would be quite hard, you will need to set the camera’s subject to the cube and implement WASD movement and stuff to it, you can copy the code Roblox has (inserted inside Player.PlayerScripts when you run the game) and edit to so it works with a cube instead of a whole character model.

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Put the Humanoid in StarterCharacter and set RequiresNeck to false. Also name the part “HumanoidRootPart”!

Thank you. This works, but it doesn’t follow the camera. How can I do this?

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Make the CameraType be Enum.CameraType.Fixed and the CameraSubject is the cube

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you can try welding the cube to the player’s HumanoidRootPart, make the dummy avatar invisible, and scale the character

Here is the full solution:

  • Do this in the correct order!
  • Create a model named “StarterCharacter”.
  • Insert your part in the character and name it “HumanoidRootPart”.
  • Insert a Humanoid in the character and set it’s “RequiresNeck” property to false.
  • Move the character into “StarterPlayer”.

This works. It has been working. Now, the issue is, the camera won’t follow the part anymore. I’ve tried multiple solutions & looked on google and nothing has been working.

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Works fine for me.

Did you do what I told you to do?

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God, YES! I’ve done what everyone here has told me to do. I’ve searched so many times, using so many different keywords, and looked over 6 DevForum articles and they all didn’t work.

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Do you have any scripts that mess with the camera?

No, I have no scripts in this game except for the “Animate” one you told me to add.

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Did you change any Humanoid properties?
Did you do the process in the order I said?

try removing the animate script since it uses the dummy limbs which the block doesnt have