Turning a string back into code for POST RequestAsync()

Issue is as said in title, I want to get the string translated back to code which can be used in the body for the request which then I can request multiple images at once instead of doing them one by one. Here is the script.

local NextCursor = "-"
local JobIdValue = "-"
local JobIdNumber = 1
local playerTokenValue = "-"
local playerTokenNumber = 1

local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")

local PlaceId_Servers = HttpService:RequestAsync({
	Url = "https://games.roproxy.com/v1/games/" .. 8737602449 .. "/servers/0?sortOrder=2&excludeFullGames=false&limit=10",
	Method = "GET",

local PlaceId_ServerResults = HttpService:JSONDecode(PlaceId_Servers.Body)
JobIdValue = tostring(PlaceId_ServerResults["data"][1]["id"])
playerTokenValue = tostring(PlaceId_ServerResults["data"][1]["playerTokens"][1])

local allPlayers = {}

for _, playerToken in ipairs(PlaceId_ServerResults["data"][JobIdNumber]["playerTokens"]) do
	table.insert(allPlayers, {
			["token"] = playerToken,
			["type"] = "AvatarHeadShot",
			["size"] = "150x150",
			["requestId"] = PlaceId_ServerResults["data"][JobIdNumber]["id"]

local currentPlayerAmount = 1
allPlayersValues = ""

while currentPlayerAmount <= #allPlayers do -- the string that is generated for the POST RequestAsync()
	allPlayersValues = allPlayersValues .. "allPlayers[" .. currentPlayerAmount .. "][1]," 
	currentPlayerAmount = currentPlayerAmount + 1

local response = HttpService:RequestAsync({
	Url = "https://thumbnails.roproxy.com/v1/batch/",
	Method = "POST",
	Headers = {
		["Content-Type"] = "application/json",
	Body = game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONEncode({
		-- this is where i'm pretty stuck right now, I want to get the string translated back to code which can be used 
		-- in the body so I can request multiple images at once instead of doing them one by one

local result = game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONDecode(response.Body)	