Turning off highlight for certain objects

I’m having trouble with how highlights interact with the player’s rollable ball. The highlight is set in the lava and works alright with the ball exterior being glass material. But I cannot use that because Roblox doesn’t want to fix the transparency issues that come with glass.

If I use a plastic material, and try to make it look like glass by having a set transparency of 0.85 and reflectance of 0.3 – it creates another issue. The highlights go around the interior of the rollable ball because the exterior is semi transparent. This looks very bad and breaks immersion completely.

So far I’ve tried making it so that the highlight does not affect the ball at all but I’ve had no luck. If you know any workarounds or perhaps a proper fix. Please let me know, I’ll try it.

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All I can suggest is to make the highlight always be on top. You can’t workarpund these issues.