Turning right and left gives different speeds?

For some reason when my cart turns left, the speed is about 85-90 but when turning right, it’s about 60-70. The wheels mass, and friction, are the exact same. (Showing the turning script just in case that’s the issue.)

if info.Stunned == false and seat.Steer ~= 0 and info.Drifting == false then 
			local angle = info.SteerAngle * seat.Steer * seat.Throttle * 2
			frontLeft.WheelPart2.SteeringConstraint.TargetAngle = angle
			frontRight.WheelPart2.SteeringConstraint.TargetAngle = angle

			frontLeft.WheelPart2.SteeringConstraint.TargetAngle = 0
			frontRight.WheelPart2.SteeringConstraint.TargetAngle = 0

Ok I am dumb. The left wheel wasn’t even moving :man_facepalming:

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