Turns the number to it actual number after the changes

The image explains it

like, the number was 12
and got buffed to 24… a few seconds later make it to 12 back [actual number]

hope you understand what I meant :moyai: : :+1:

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You can revert the operation itself for example you get the buffed number by doing this:
Buff.Value = Buff.Value + 1

and if you want to return it back just do this:
Buff.Value = Buff.Value - 1

for your situation I would do this:
dmgValue.Value = dmgValue.Value / math.min(dmgtoBuff)

If for some reason the number in math.min() is random you can save the damage value before being buffed in a variable and use it return the damage to it’s actual number

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understanable, why I didnt try this at first place

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