(TUTORIAL) How to ACTUALLY move the VoiceChat Icon so that it doesn't block your nametag icon or billboard gui



Have you ever experienced your ingame voicechat icon just completlty covering your chat, or your custom nametag?

Well the solution is to actually to simply just edit the VerticalStudsOffset to a higher value like 1.4 or 2, etc to your preference

Documentation On Bubble Chat


local bubbleChatSettings = TextChatService.BubbleChatConfiguration
bubbleChatSettings.VerticalStudsOffset = 1.4


Is it possible to get rid of the vc icon too?

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Not yet unfortunately :face_with_head_bandage: you can try requesting a feature request in hopes that roblox adds more customization to it

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You can disable voice chat, which removes the voice chat icon(obviously not ideal though if you want voice chat). Also the voice chat icon is being moved to their “hamburger” menu in the upper left hand corner of the screen. Seen HERE! Voice talking icon is still gonna appear above though.


peak avatar
and peak tutorial aswell

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Mb use abnormally big value in the method above, like 2^32?