Highspeed servers (European/American)

I’d like to suggest an option to run highspeed servers on roblox. With pings around 30ms. Right now I’m experiencing 200ms even if Im the only player and the map contains nothing but a single brick.

This would require more local servers, but maybe it could be worth it?
Maybe even make it cost a monthly cost of Robux or something? That way only those who really need it will use it.

In addition to this, maybe give some abilities for the builder to choose servers depending on the player who joined?
For example, I would be able to give the player an option to play on European servers or American servers so that they can choose the one who has the lowest ping!
In my opinion this would be awesome, please do consider.



Choosing between American and European servers would be great to have.
Biggest concern is the cost and how practical is it.

I was actually thinking of something like this over last night.

It would be an entire API on the site/in-game to retrieve a location set by the user representing the country in which they live in. It would allow ROBLOX to ‘bias’ their server joining system so that instead of the server with the first empty slot, they choose the one closest to that location, like Steam.

Plus, if it were an in-game API it would let developers do cool things like in-game weather and items specific to people from certain places (e.g. RPGs in ROBLOX would be able to give people from the UK certain items based on holidays like Easter, Halloween, Christmas, etc.)

Since Roblox is based in California, aren’t all of the servers in America right now? This would involve creating new servers in Europe. How much does that cost? :shocked:

Roblox is hosted under Amazon servers. Idk if they even have european servers

On every continent Global Infrastructure - AWS

I have yet to play on a ROBLOX server that has sub 250 ping.

Roblox game servers aren’t amazon. Here’s a relevant thread http://devforum.roblox.com/t/where-are-roblox-servers-located/18294/9

Edit: didn’t notice how old this thread was.

You found the thread I was originally looking for, thank you!