Tween Animation is Jerky

  1. What do you want to achieve? I want to achieve a not jerky tweening door

  2. What is the issue? It’s jerky/laggy! Gyazo GIF

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? I’ve looked on Google, searched to DevForum and many more, but couldn’t find anything.

To make everything a bit more clear, I will include my TweenInfo

local DoorSwingInfo =, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear)

I maybe also should stop making tops about needing help with a door, the problem is that I am a perfectionist, which is a bit bad maybe, idk.

It doesn’t look laggy to me in the preview, maybe use a different EasingStyle instead of Linear?

Might be an issue on your end as it doesn’t really look laggy to me. Try restarting Studio.

I use linear, since it’s also used in Hello Neighbor Prototype, because that is what I’m remaking in RBLX

I’m experiencing the issue on multiple devices and multiple restarts

The only way to achieve the smoothest animation would be to animate a door opening over X amount of seconds then just speeding up the animation to play in .25 seconds. The longer the animation, the more angles it can cover.

In your case, from what I can observe. It’s a 90 degree angle rotation. You won’t get the perfect and smoothest rotation since you’re only giving it .25 seconds to reach its goal from 0 to 90. If you were to do, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), it would be slower but you’d have more time to lerp from 0 to 90. Meaning more angles will be covered.

You could animate the door using any ROBLOX animation tools over a 5 second timespan, then playing that animation in .25 seconds by increasing the speed. Which would lead to the smoothest door swing possible. But there’s still a lot of things to consider. The user’s hardware could make the door not swing perfectly. Nothing will ever be 100% perfect. You just need to expirement and sometimes accept the fact that it’s not always going to look 100%.


@Exeplex I know that I already marked your reponse as answer, but how would I animate a door with Animation Tools?

Can’t that only be done with characters?

Animating a door is definitely possible as I’ve seen people animate non-characters before. You just need to rig the door properly before attempting to animate them, character are already rigged for you, hence why you can simply animate them without extra work

There should be some rigging tutorials out there to help you figure how to rig your door for animation purposes.

As for playing it after animating, you’ll likely need to put a humanoid in your door to use LoadAnimation on its humanoid/Animator