Pretty self-descriptive. The tween runs fine server-side, but on the client as soon as you touch the tweened model it stays stationary for the client. I’m sure this has to do with some idiotic replication bug that shouldn’t exist, but I have no idea how to fix it.
I tried anchoring the parts to be tweened, which didn’t work. I also tried setting the network owner of the parts to the server, which also didn’t work. I can’t run the tween on the client, since it’s an object that will be seen by the whole server, so I need the server to run the tween.
May you send a video sample of what it is you’re trying to achieve (and/or what the issue is)? If it has to do with moving parts (location and/or rotation), then you’ll want the parts to be anchored. Otherwise, this issue sounds rather strange and it’d help to have a visual representation.
The object being tweened needs to be 100% synchronized between clients since multiple clients will be using it at the same time, so I’d like to tween it using just the server
After some testing in Studio, I am getting the same issue that you do. Although sometimes it inconsistently does work as it is meant to, and even somehow managed to have the inverse happen where on the server it doesn’t move and it does move on the client. It probably does have something to do with NetworkOwnership issues, but even keeping certain settings static, it fails to work.
This behavior is likely a bug and should be reported.