I have a bit of code here that is supposed to un-anchor a “pet” welded behind the player move up in front of the player, then re-enable the weld. Instead of doing the move as I would expect, the pet instead spins for a second, then re-welds. It is very odd.
Definitely. By anchoring the HumanoidRootPart before Tweening it, and them un-anchoring it afterwards, you can prevent at lot of weirdness since physics won’t be acting on the object you are moving.
I dont follow, I am creating CFrame value, then converting them to Vector3 because that what TweenService uses.
Unless I dont understand what you saying?
look at th second block of code, this code work perfectly, but the pet just teleports into position. I want to tween it there, hence my issue in the first block of code.