Im trying to tween a group, its a palm tree btw, so I created welds to the main tree part and when ever i join the game it falls over how do I fix this?
Maybe your tree is unanchored?
It is, when that happens It just tweens to its falling positon but it does not mvoe the leaves
What welds did you use?
WeldConstriants are simple to add with the Constraints tools in the Model tab.
If you just inserted a Weld into the parts you have to specify the 2 parts and their C0 and C1 properties.
Your main tree part (the one you tween) has to be anchored. If the leaves aren’t moving they are probably anchored too.
I used welds and the teaves are not anchored
Are the welds Active? Click on one then take a screenshot for us to see all the weld’s Properties.
Go into the Model tab in Studio, in the Constraints tools click the Show Welds tool. It draws green lines between items that are welded, and if you select the weld it’ll highlight the 2 Parts that are welded. If none of the green items show up then the welds may be there, but Part0 and Part1 might not be set to the correct Parts.
No green lines show up and i checked the part0 and part1
i got the green lines but when ever i tween it it does not move amd they are not ancored
Ah, because you are using Welds, not WeldConstraints.
Select the weld and click the Part0 line in the Properties window and reselect the Tree part.
Click the Part1 line in the Properties window and reselect the leaves MeshPart.
Do this for one of the leaves first then test to see if it works.