Tween isn't changing the position

I am making a sliding door, but tweening isn’t working because the children of the object (attached via weld constraint)(other unions and parts containing decals) are not moved. How can I make everything move? I cannot add multiple parts into the table because Position can only be in there once.

local tweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local d1 = script.Parent.d1
local d2 = script.Parent.d2

local Info =

local Goals1 = 
	Position = d1.Position +, 0, -6);
local Goals2 = 
		Position = d2.Position +,0,6)

local openDoorTween1 = tweenService:Create(d1, Info, Goals1)
local openDoorTween2 = tweenService:Create(d2, Info, Goals2)


Are there any welded, anchored parts connected to d1 or d2?

Yes. Lots of weld constraints. I figured out the problem: d1 is moving. Except, d1 is a small transparent block with all the main parts welded to it, the ones supposed to move, not moving. I thought they would be automatically taken along. Do you know how I can fix this?

Is d1 part of a model? (Maximum character limit)

Nope. Just a union with children.

if i’m not mistaken
these aren’t values

local Goals1 = 
	Position = d1.Position +, 0, -6);
local Goals2 = 
		Position = d2.Position +,0,6)

those are tables
so it would be
local openDoorTween1 = tweenService:Create(d1, Info, {Goals1.Position})
local openDoorTween2 = tweenService:Create(d2, Info, {Goals2.Position})

I’m not sure how it works for other things, but for tweens you can just put in the tables name and it works

Make sure the invisible main part is anchored and all the parts welded to it are unanchored.

You can also just put TweenService:Create(MainPart, ti, Goal1) instead of TweenService:Create(MainPart, ti, Goal1.Position)

Yes. Main part is anchored all else is not

Is there a way you could send me a model or a template or something that I could assist with? I’m pretty sure the main problem is the welds.

Yeah sure. I’ve linked it below. Should work.
I also tried tweening with just a standard part welded to another standard part via weld constraint, but only the one named in the tween moved.

Solution is to just use CFrame instead. Not sure what’s wrong with position