Tween isn't Playing if The Part it is unanchored and welded to an anchored Part

Hello Fellow Developers, I am trying to make a game in which you can launch Lifeboats off of a ship (Model) So Basically, I want the part that isn’t anchored to tween out after activating a proximity Prompt but when it’s activated The Tween Doesn’t Play. Can someone please explain how i can find a solution to this problem it would be highly appreciated!

Tween the Anchored Part and the Welded Part will move with it.

Your description is a little confusing.
You say you want the Part to move when the prompt is activated, but not Tween when activated? The Tween moves the Part, so you have to Tween it when activated to move it.

Sorry that My Description was very vague so The Part That I want to tween is Unanchored But it is welded to a Part that is anchored but the part that I want to tween the tween won’t play once the proximity promt is activated I hope that this clears things up

Yes, but like I said, you can’t tween an Unanchored Part… If you look at the examples in TweenService you’ll see all the Parts created in the scripts are Anchored.

Why can’t you Anchor the Tweened Part and weld the unanchored Parts that are supposed to move with it?

Ok, this kind of going to be Confusing But im going to try and explain it to the best of my ability as I’m very bad at explaining this so I’m going to call the part That i want to tween that is also unanchored Part"T" and the anchored Part is called “Primary” as It is the base part for my model So The reason why I can’t Anchor Part “T” (The Tweened Part) is because The Primary Part moves so when part"T" is anchored The Primary Part Will leave it behind

Im Kind of Planning on scrapping the tween and just let it change its orientation without any tweens since you can tween Unanchored Parts.

Can you share the code with us? So we can help you out?

This is the script for the unanchored part that i want to tween

local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local Davet1 = script.Parent.Davet1
local Davet2 = script.Parent.Davet2
local Proxy = Davet1.ProxyPart.ProximityPrompt
local ProxyLower = Davet1.ProxyPart.LowerPromt
local RopeParent1 = Davet1.DavetRotatry.RopeConstraint
local RopeParent2 = Davet2.DavetRotary.RopeConstraint
local Rope1 = RopeParent1.Length
local Rope2 = RopeParent2.Length
local Weld = script.Parent.LifeBoat2.WeldConstraint

local PrimaryPart1 = Davet1.PrimaryPart
local PrimaryPart2 = Davet2.PrimaryPart

local goal = {CFrame =  PrimaryPart1.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(90),0)}
local goal2 = {CFrame = PrimaryPart2.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(-90),0)}

local info =

local tween2 = TweenService:Create(PrimaryPart2, info, goal2)

local tween = TweenService:Create(PrimaryPart1, info,  goal)

	Proxy.Enabled = false
	ProxyLower.Enabled = true

	RopeParent1.WinchEnabled = true
	RopeParent2.WinchEnabled = true
	RopeParent1.WinchSpeed = 3
	RopeParent2.WinchSpeed = 3
	RopeParent1.WinchTarget = 40
	RopeParent2.WinchTarget = 40


Ah, ok.
If you want your main boat to move and have the lifeboat get launched then you should try a HingeConstraint, or other Constraints.
Since you are CFraming the goal and goal2 rotations I’m guessing you need a Hinge type setup. HingeConstraints can be set up to Servo and you can pick the angles you want them to rotate to.

Another item you could use is a Weld Motor.

I’d say tween the C0 using weld.C0 if you’re using a regular old weld. Otherwise remove the weld amd move the lifeboat model at the same time as the boat model(I assume its on a boat) then you won’t need the weld