Tween not working properly

Hello, Minor issue here:

-- This Script is for a Radial Rotator.
TS = game:GetService("TweenService")
TI =,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,-1,false,0)

RotTween = TS:Create(script.Parent.RadialRotatorCore,TI,{CFrame = script.Parent.RadialRotatorCore.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0,360,0)})

Why isn’t this working properly? The tween resets when the part reaches 112 degrees instead of 360??

I want to keep it all in one operation instead of splitting them up, last time I tried doing that it worked incorrectly as well and seemed to be putting more effort into something with a simple solution that I cant figure out

I also did make use of changing the Orientation but this doesn’t update the connected Weld Constraints.

Any help is appreciated!

CFrame.Angles() uses radians, instead of degrees.
Try: CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(360) ,0)

This is the same for all CFrames, not just CFrame.Angles

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Thanks for the Reply

Just implemented this, but now the part doesn’t rotate at all

Taking a guess, but it might be because its turning 360 degrees.
That means that the target CFrame is the same as the original CFrame, and therefore it has no reason to turn.

changed it to 180 and it works as intended, thanks for your help!

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